
rough days..

You know it's a long day when you wake up late for your 8:00 am class across campus, and half way there realize you put your pants on inside out... To make things even better, I forgot my coat back in Kansas City while I was visiting over the picture this: me walking across campus at 8:06 am, shivering and wearing my pants inside out. I finally arrived to class about 10 minutes late. By the way, I was totally rocking my all natural (i.e. no makeup whatsoever) look, which seems to be a trend I just can't quite break between the late nights and early classes across campus. Oh well.

A couple of super exciting things have happened since I last wrote to you.

#1 I have written two stories for Teen Vogue(!!), you can check them out here. I am hoping to continue writing more stories for and I even have my very own contributor bio on their site, which is so cool.

#2 It is now the second semester of my freshman year, and as per usual I am struggling along and dreaming of warmer days ahead.

#3 I have a new name for my site,, which is now live and I could not be more excited!

In my next couple of posts I am hoping to wrap up the last two days of my new york trip from over the summer (woah, that was soo long ago..) and tell you a little about my winter break in between semesters. Naturally, there were many, many hours spent at coffee shops and hanging out with friends so I cannot wait to share the pictures I took on the blog.

As of right now, I am sitting in the coffee shop at the library, trying to get through some books about the Great Depression for my English paper. I am also listening to some much needed John Mayer on Spotify, unfortunately I have just eaten the last of my goldfish snacks.

That's all for today.


p.s. earlier I treated myself to a Kaldi's Coffee mocha and it was #goals.

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