
Mornings are gross

Today, I found myself face to face with a dilemma. As my phone's alarm was going off this morning at 5:45 I decided to get up and grab it, the alarm (as it does everyday) continued to go off in five to ten minute increments until 7:15. I finally forced myself to get out of bed at 6:53, abandoning all hope of a cute outfit. I felt terrible and all I wanted to do was climb back into my nice warm bed. The night before I had unintentionally stayed up completing my work (I happen to be somewhat of a procrastinator), of course I waited until Sunday night to start a huge project. Every Sunday I do the same thing, and I ask myself "why? why did you do this to yourself again?" It is a terrible thing to have to start your week off with a tired, sleep-deprived Monday morning. Especially when I do it week after week, you would think I'd have learned better by now. Anyways, before I went to bed last night I picked out a super trendy outfit consisting of leggings, a fishermen's sweater (covers my butt), black flats, and a cheetah print headband. Unfortunately, I barely had time to do my makeup this morning so the cute outfit had no chance of making an appearance. Instead, I opted for some running tights and a big red, acid washed, crew neck sweatshirt from the 70s..(it was my grandma's). I quickly threw my hair up and swiped on some mascara right as I was running out the door. Obviously running late, because what else would you expect? Ha, it's actually really bad. I feel like me constantly being late to everything is probably a huge contributor to my stress, I should really work on it more because it's a terrible habit to have. At least I have yoga to look forward to this Thursday night. (Oooohhhhmmmm) "deep breaths Madison, it's all going to be alright.." ha at least that's what I'm telling myself(; Hopefully tomorrow will be better, I'll be sure to report back and let you all know(;

p.s. all I want to do is wake up, drink some coffee, and watch the news, and relax- is that so much to ask?

all i want to see is the sun rise


Oops, haven't posted in a while. Sorry, I've been super busy. I have actually been running and working out lately so props to me ha(: Also, I started a yoga class and it is great. It is actually way harder than I thought it was going to be and it requires a lot of balancing and inner strength. One of the hardest things for me was remembering to breathe while I was doing the different poses. But once I got into it, it was really great. I did a class called "hot yoga" which was just yoga in a really hot room. The hot room is to help you sweat and burn more calories, and also help loosen your muscles to give you a little more flexibility. I really enjoyed the class and even though I may have laughed a little at some of the things the yoga instructor said, I really think it helped. My goal of going to the class is to help me lower my stress levels and also to get another version of exercise. I would definitely recommend a yoga class to anyone who is thinking about trying one. They are really good about helping you focus on your inner self and taking things little by little. Anyways, I hope you go out and try some yoga!

p.s. I almost laughed out loud at the end when the instructor basically sang "ooohhhmmm shaaantii shaaaantii shaaantii, ooohhmmmm" hahaha there's a small chance that I am totally immature and like a little kid, but don't worry I kept my laughter in and chanted it along with them "OOOOHHHMMMM" (:


can you not

This week's "can you not" post is about wearing super tight shirts that don't fit you. Day after day I see girls wearing shirts that they are "popping" out of.. Either it's too tight on top (in which case you have some "overbearing cleavage," which no one is prepared to see) or it's too tight on the bottom and you have a nice fluffy muffin top poking out between your shirt and your pants. Now, there are two ways to solve this problem.. 1) wear a longer shirt, perhaps one that isn't so tight.. 2) buy a larger pair of pants, it's okay to wear pants that aren't suffocating your legs. That is my advice for today.. hope the word gets around that it is okay to wear clothes that are actually your size. Let's just say we have some serious work to do.. (:

p.s. I also want to share that I am anti-ruffles..just thought you should know..



stylish sunday?

Happy Sunday everyone. This morning while picking out my outfit I decided to dress for Summer, even though it's still in the low thirties..(beauty is pain/being cold). I decided to wear my blue lace dress with black flats, I also curled my hair and did my makeup with a light grey smokey eye. While I was at church I began thinking, "what is the standard dress code for church?" Some people wear jeans and a t-shirt, whereas other people (like me) are in dresses and heels. So am I overdressed, or are they under dressed? Is being stylish overdressing..does it matter? I leave you with this question.. Style can be interpreted in many different ways, so what's your style?


how to stand out in a crowd of people

So the past few days I have been pretty busy and I've had a lot on my mind lately. On Thursday I had an all day event to go to and there were hundreds of people there. Everyone was "dressed for success" and I found myself thinking, "how do I make myself stand out in a crowd of people?". This isn't the first time I've wondered about such a thing. I mean that's what most people try to do right? They want to be noticed, they want to stand out and be the center of everyone's attention..right? Well here are my thoughts: I think that there are a couple of different types of people and if you think about it I'm sure some names will come to mind. Okay so there is the person who commands everyone's attention as soon as they walk in the room, these are the people who seem to be overflowing with confidence; the next group of people are the shy ones, they use their clothing and personality to draw attention to themselves and be noticed, the third group of people are the ones who are just quiet and nobody really gives them much attention but if you really look at them and think about it, they are absolutely flawless. Which one are you? Are you any of them? Well, I decided that in order to make yourself stand out in a crowd of people you have to find something that is unique to you (a talent or something) and use it to create a difference between you and others. Maybe its not the "standing out" that you need to worry about, but instead being memorable. Being memorable is something I think we should all remember. It's not about being crazy or gorgeous. All you have to do to stand out is be memorable. All it takes is making a few people and you're the one everyone's focusing on.



what to wear- the age old question

Is it just me or do you feel like you never have anything to wear. I was talking with one of my friends today and we both seem to agree on this fact. But I have a feeling it's not just us.. Ha, I'm sure this could go under #firstworldprobs but it is truly an issue women face everyday. As dumb as it may sound, I'm being serious. I mean my closet (like many others) is overflowing with great pieces so why is it I always seem to wear the exact same thing over and over again. Is it because I'm lazy (perhaps), do I just forget about my other clothes? I can't quite seem to figure it out, but every season I seem to get into a rotation of only six or seven different outfits. Sometimes, when I buy new clothes I wait until the right moment to debut them, I want everyone to notice and I want the day to be just right so I can make a great fashionable impression. Sometimes I even get nervous, like the first time I wore my leather skirt, I felt like I was taking a risk; what if someone makes fun of me, what if I look stupid, what if no one likes it.. However, all it takes is one or two compliments and your self-confidence is soaring, you feel like a supermodel and you end up having a fabulous day. How is it that a simple outfit can make you feel so good? One of my fellow fashionistas once said (or at least along the lines of) "as much as I'd like to say that this outfit I'm wearing was just thrown together without any thought at all, I must admit that I spent at least an hour putting it together." Why does it take us so long to pick out an outfit? Is it really that important what we wear? I mean who cares what everyone else thinks? Well, here is my theory: I don't think it matters what anyone else thinks (don't be fooled, I among most people still take other people's perceptions of me into consideration) but I think the reason we spend so much time choosing an outfit is to express ourselves. Our choice of clothing is how we communicate our attitude or feelings that day, we do this without any words at all. We are able to create our very own style and personality and all it takes is some fabric and accessories.  So, tomorrow think about how you're feeling: will you feel dark and gloomy or happy and bright? Take a second to look around at some of the people around you and think about their personalities, does their outfit relate to them? Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Just remember, it's okay to wear sweatpants (not everyday..maybe once a week..month..never..) when you're tired, but more importantly it's okay to express yourself with your outfits because someone out there is going to appreciate your love of fashion and they will be wishing they had as good of fashion sense as you. It happens to me everyday, I decide to "bum it" and I see someone else wearing a casually cute, trendy outfit, and I wish I were them. Don't be afraid to admit it because you're not the only one. There are plenty of fashion lovers out there who will make sure you know you're wearing something worth complimenting.

p.s. I was feeling tired, happy, and caffeinated today (I decided to wear my "lumberjack flannel" with my Rolling Stones shirt and leggings-the flannel shirt was loose and covered my butt). (:


just an ordinary day

Today was just an ordinary day. I sit here writing to you on my laptop as I listen to my "Sixpence None The Richer" Pandora radio, and I feel great. Anyways, not much to report except that apparently the majority of high school girls did not get my memo about the leggings as pants no no. We will have to spread the word and help everyone with their fashion choices from here on out. Okay, so my next "to do" for today's post is to motivate you to dress up and wear cute outfits during the week. Apparently it's a proven fact that you will actually have a better day if you look nice. And it doesn't hurt to look good(; I also want to share that I am making my summer goals for working out, I am going to try and do P90X for the next three months (starting tomorrow of course..ha). I think it is super important to feel healthy and good about yourself. It's all about building your self confidence. Oh and one more thing, can we please educate people on the importance of wearing clothes when it's negative temperatures outside, I actually saw people in shorts today, like what are you thinking..everyone should just be more like me and bundle up in their scarf and coat all day(: Who cares if you look like a very unattractive Eskimo. (I actually drove with my gloves on this morning-pretty sure that is not safe by the way...). Until tomorrow(:

p.s. my quotes for the day are from the songs I am currently listening to (I'm sure you will all be able to relate)
      1) "winter just wasn't my season"
      2) "I'm waiting on the sunshine, the sunshine"


Can You Not

Today I am going to start a new piece that I plan on doing pretty regularly. It's called "Can You Not." This is going to be my very own perspective on the most interesting and perhaps unacceptable outfits I see on a day to day basis.

Today we will be attacking the whole leggings as pants situation, very interesting topic I must add. Now, are they leggings or are they pants? Could they be both? These little beauties whom I first paired with Limited Too skirts and assorted dresses--that went well past my knees--have somehow forced their way into the everyday attire of teenage girls everywhere. Let us not forget that even old people are deciding that it is acceptable to show the world their behinds with only spandex between you and their backdoor. So, what is deemed appropriate you may ask? I'm going to go ahead and say that if you're going for the hipster, bohemian look and you want to wear a cute little tunic or a large cardigan then you are deemed appropriate, but please I am begging you to look in the mirror and ask yourself: "would I offend people by wearing this in public?" Unless your behind is covered by more than spandex, please keep it to yourself. I don't want to see that "very attractive" thong line or anything else you might have to show. Also, (and I'm sure this is a given) please never wear a tight shirt with your very tight leggings, I mean please give the world a break. I guess that's all for today.


p.s. I saw a girl with cheek piercings today...please tell me this is not becoming a thing..


Suri's Burn Book

I know, two posts in one day, who am I and what have they done with the real Madison.. ha. Anyways just wanted to share that I found an absolutely hilarious blog that I have been reading for the last two hours (should I be ashamed..maybe, but I'm not because I don't care what those pop culture haters have to say). So this blog, Suri's Burn Book, is about a woman who has taken on the persona of Suri Cruise (the seven year old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes) I know what you're thinking, but don't knock it til you try it. I have actually been laughing out loud at these posts as "Suri" bashes other well known celebrity spawns. You can't help but smile while reading these posts and it has become my new guilty pleasure to read what Suri may have to say next. If you don't like this blog then something is definitely wrong with you.. Another thing, I have ashamedly taken a blow to my self esteem after reading about Suri's "too good for you attitude" and I am not sure if I should be more worried that I feel offended by a seven year old or that in reality there is a grown woman out there pretending to be "said seven year old" (in which case I don't think I'm the one we should be feeling sorry for here). However, props to "Suri" she is a genius and I'm just upset I didn't think of something this great first. In conclusion, Suri Cruise I praise your overpriced clothing and designer handbags that quite possibly could cost me a semester at college.


p.s. is it just me or is there a real life mean girls situation going on here between a bunch of seven year olds



So apparently Mother Nature didn't like what I had to say about winter being over. She responded with yet another snowy day. Oh well, I guess that gives me an excuse to break in my Hunter boots(:

I'm back(:

Geez, I haven't written in a while, but I'm back. And I'm sure you've missed me(; I'm ready to talk about fashion. I feel like everyone has been so busy this winter and I'm not afraid to admit that my inner fashionista has been hibernating.. I've opted out of my cute, trendy outfits and moved more towards sweatpants and tshirts. YIKES, not that it's a bad thing, but let's just say I think I have been in a funk and I can tell I'm not the only one. Anyways I've been thinking and I believe it's time to break out of this funk and start planning for spring and summer. I am ready to wear dresses and wedges and enjoy my sun kissed skin once again. Time for manicures and pedicures and days on the beach. Gosh, I can just picture myself walking on the beach right alongside the ocean, I will be wearing my new bikini and my beach bod-currently in the works ha- will be rockin, my hair will be blowing in the light summer breeze and I will look absolutely flawless, don't worry it's not like I'm self-absorbed or anything.. ha! (let's just say that this little fantasy is what's getting me through this horrendous winter weather). I mean, I like snow just as much as the next person but I think my Ugg boots and army coat are getting a little too much attention this winter. So I'm jumping head first into this year's 2014 trends. I think there's a lot in store for all of us this year and I can't wait to start filling my closet once again with my favorite thrifty finds and new trendy pieces for spring and summer. It's time to say Good-bye winter and hello spring. I mean who cares if it's February..(: Cold weather won't stop me and it shouldn't stop you either!