This space is the place where I can feature all of my favorite things. I will include everything from my favorite blog posts, to my favorite beauty products or new deals. This blog was once about my life, but it has since transitioned into much more. If you have any suggestions for new products that I haven’t written about or tried before feel free to go to the contact page and send me an email. I would love to hear from you! In addition to products and my own favorite blog pieces, I will also feature pieces from my favorite bloggers. Amber Fillerup Clark, Julia Engel and Leandra Medine are just a few of my favorites. I will also include my favorite novels and movies (I love to read and watch movies, duh). If you want to keep up with my favorite things on a daily basis follow me on social media. Instagram - @madisonrodick.
That Time I Was The New Girl, Again
New York Part II
My Letter to Bob Goff
Eighteen Forever?
The Metro Transit Girls
Just a Dreamer
His Name Was Marshall